Youth Tour participants are BACK from their trip of a lifetime. Over 1,200 students attended Youth Tour in June, with over 100 students representing Missouri. Local delegates sponsored by Tri-County Electric Cooperative were Theo Lay (Memphis, MO) and Chandler Lee (Kirksville, MO).
The seven-day tour provided an action-filled week for high school students, offering them opportunities to learn firsthand what it is like to be involved in politics, leadership positions, community service and today’s pressing issues. Highlights of the trip included the young people visiting with representatives from their congressional districts, touring the Smithsonian Institution’s museums, Arlington National Cemetery and Marine Corps, Lincoln, Washington, and World War II memorials.
Other events of the week included participation in the Electric Youth Day, during which a special program coordinated by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association brought together over 1,000 Youth Tour delegates from across the United States.
For more information about Youth Tour visit or call 573-659-3439 and ask to speak to Chris Massman.